Airline Pilot Training Loan

How to Get a Flight School Loan Today!

Our Mission Is Your Mission! For most, this is to get the most favorable terms when it comes to financing flight training. The process below is not only what we recommend, but it’s the process that we’ve seen yield the best results. We recommend completing all steps below, then selecting the best option.

Do you meet the following requirements:

  • Valid state issued drivers license or ID card
  • Credit score of 750 or higher (or co-signer with credit score of 750 or higher)
  • Proof of monthly income (Or Co-signer), or proof of funds in bank account
  • Down payment of 5000.00 dollars

If you meet the above requirements you could be approved for in house financing through US Flight Co. This no hassle financing option has competitive rates, and takes less time to get approved over traditional financing options.

To Get Started Contact US Flight Co at 515-650-5558 (Phone or Text)
“Hello I’m interested in applying with US Flight Co financing for the career fast track program”

CFI Fast Track Program: 7 – 9 Months | Private, Instrument, Commercial, CFI APPLY HERE

CFI Fast Track Program With Housing: CFI Fast Track Program Plus 9 Months Housing APPLY HERE

Fast Track Airline Program: 9 – 12 Months | Private, Instrument, Commercial, CFI, CFII, MEI APPLY HERE

Fast Track Airline Program With Housing: Fast Track Airline Program Plus 12 Months Housing APPLY HERE

Contacting the bank you already have a relationship with can help you get a lower interest rate. Give our BANK INFORMATION document to your banker. If your banker has questions, contact us 515-650-5558

Use the following link to apply with our Financial Partner Stratus